Many people in Northern California have very strong views re guns, gun control laws and related..and when we do cases involving, let's say-- Domestic Violence in court, it's obvious that gun issues can come up? Attorney has always had an interest in gun laws simply because they affect many of the cases that attorney might be involved with, including domestic disputes, divorces, and criminal case situations.
People may recall when Ellie Nesler shot and killed the alleged molestor of her son, there were no weapon scanners at courthouses (at least I don't believe there were then..) but of course now, one cannot bring anything in their backpack or handbag, etc. when going through weapon scanners at courts.....that resemble knives, guns and similar. Probably not even screwdriver or hardware implements....I have had guards at courthouse closely examine contents of my purse or case files at both Federal courthouses and all state courthouses. Apparently they do not leave out females when trying to find something that shouldn't go inside the courthouses? LOL!
Even in Butte County, which does not have a huge population, there are usually 3 security guards at the FAMILY LAW, CIVIL LAW entrance.....there are no criminal cases at the Butte Superior Court in Chico, the criminal cases are in Oroville. But to the guards' credit, most of them are great at helping people when the need arises. The court baliffs are usually quite attentive and courteous.
....Most attorneys in family law are used to hearing stories, most of them likely bad, and maybe your case is similar...?
It is no joke that family law cases cause great concern even to the court guards (police or sheriff) in courthouses, in fact it is a known fact that family law case litigants usually pose more problems than criminal defendants in court houses.....even before there were weapon scanners, the cases which caused problems were often family law cases due to the high emotional toll on litigants. And when weapon scanners started being used, it was mostly attributed to the case of molestation where Ellie Nesler avenged her son's molestation..that is my recollection in any event..........
Poll: Number Of Americans Who Favor Stricter Gun Laws ... › 2019/10/20 › poll-number-of-amer...
Oct 20, 2019 — The overall percentage of Americans who support tougher gun laws is on the rise, even as the partisan divide remains stark, according to a ...
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Key facts about Americans and guns | Pew Research Center › ... › Gun Policy
May 11, 2021 — Here are some key findings about Americans' attitudes about gun ... Another 24% of adults say gun violence is a moderately big problem.
Public opinion on gun control in the United States - Wikipedia › wiki › Public_opinion_on_gu...
In March 2018, 67% of Americans supported stricter regulation of firearms sales, according to a Gallup poll with a margin of sampling error of +/- 4% at the 95% ...
America's gun culture in charts - BBC News › world-us-canada-41488081
Apr 8, 2021 — Charts explaining some of the key statistics behind gun ownership and attacks linked to guns in the US.